“Brochure Fundraising” is a long-established technique that schools, school groups, leagues, youth sports teams, day care centers, churches and other youth and civic groups use to raise money. It allows these groups to solicit orders from family, friends, neighbors and associates by using color brochures. Money is collected at the time of sale and payments are made to The Goodies Factory, Inc. at which time the merchandise is shipped from one of our warehouses.
Who Makes a Good Sales Rep? The best reps are people who have connections in the community with local schools, sports leagues, cheer groups and other youth groups involved with schools and community groups – such as current and x-PTA moms, school office employees, coaches, etc – additionally people who have previous face to face sales experience and or call on schools offering other lines make great sales reps for our company.
Contact Potential Customers: Our representatives’ primary responsibility is to contact potential customers such as elementary school PTA leaders, school group leaders, sports league directors, day care / child care centers, church groups and other non-profit organizations that are interested in “Brochure Fundraising”. We strongly suggest you make your first contact “in-person”. It is preferable and can be much more profitable.
We urge all our representatives to keep accurate records of their contacts and follow up calls either in a binder or on their computer.
Review Brochures & Procedures: At your first meeting you should explain to the potential client that you are a registered fundraising representative with our company and explain the profit and service benefits of working with “you”, their local contact for The Goodies Factory, Inc. This is a critical first step in making the client feel comfortable that they have someone local to speak to, even though The Goodies Factory, Inc. will be taking care of almost all of their customer service needs. Your first meeting will also allow you the opportunity to review with your potential client our current line of fundraising brochures. At this time you should carefully explain the profit margin structure of The Goodies Factory fundraising programs. In addition, you should explain that all brochures, collection envelopes and shipping (in most cases) are Free.
Follow-Up Phone Call: The next step is to make a follow up call, either in-person or by phone within one to two weeks after your initial meeting. During this follow-up you should ask if the information you dropped off was reviewed and if they have any questions.
Sign Up the Customer: If your client decides to run a “brochure fundraising” program with us they will be required to fill out our “sign-up” form. In addition, you should touch base with your customer during the length of the fundraiser to see how it is proceeding and if they need our help in making their fundraiser more successful.