Encouragement throughout the fundraiser is the best way to increase the size of the sale and therefore, profits to your organization. What better way to do that than with a Daily Prize Drawing. Our delightful “pocket” plush animals with their bright colors and cheerful expressions motivate the students to participate in the sale.
The Goodies Factory provides you with all the necessary tools. Each day a student sells the required number of items, his/her name goes into a box for a chance to win. Each animal can be stuffed with a fun (no cost) motivational item, such as: first in line at lunch, extra recess, pajama day etc. We help you with the ideas and you have fun with the drawing.
We also provide you with the coupons that each student will take them home at the start of the sale. It is easy and “FUN” and keeps the “buzz” going throughout the fundraiser. Ask our friendly customer service representative for more information. Or ask your sales representative to show you the complete incentive package.
Daily Prize Drawing Ideas
During the course of the sale there will be 9 Plush pouch animals given away. Each day the students who sell $20 or more in product can turn in a signed coupon to be entered into the daily drawing. Each plush animal can be filled with money, a fun activity gift card etc.
Here are some suggested fun activities to motivate your students to sell! (These are only suggestions! Ideas can be altered to your schools preference.)
- Crazy hair day
- Hat day
- Pajama day
- Logo t-shirt day
- No school uniform day
- Backwards day (student wears clothes backwards)
- Beach day
- No homework day
- Secretary for the day
- Principal for the day
- Lunch with the principal
- Stinky feet day (no shoes)
- Principal is student for the day
- Teacher for the day
- King/Queen for a day
- First in the lunch line
- Special helper for a day
- Principal gets homework
- Extra recess time